Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Write Up #2 Book #12 (Chapter Book)

Author: Ron Roy

Title: Mysteries April Adventures

Illustrator: No Illustrator

Genre: Chapter Book

Subgenre: Children's Chapter Book: Mystery

Theme: The Mystery of the golden eggs.

Primary and Secondary Characters: Bradley, Lucy and Nate.

Date of Publication: 2010

Publishing Company: A Stepping Stone Book

This book is part of a series of books written by Ron Roy, for beginning readers. This book is about three kids who have a sleep over Bradley, Lucy and Nate. They wake up in the morning to find Easter eggs right by them. Bradly sees a shadow leave as he wakes up, and they all believe that shadow is the thing that brought the eggs. As they open up their plastic eggs they realize there are notes in them (it is a scavenger hunt). Lucy is so happy she loves scavenger hunts. Their notes tell them to go where roses grow and find twelve plastic eggs and four real golden eggs. The note states that once they finish this, they will get a treasure. The children go to a nearby park and find the plastic eggs, but not the four golden eggs. The children look everywhere. After a long time they run across a mother swan. They realize her nest is stranded in the middle of the pond. Finally three men go into the water and grab the nest out of the pond and put it by the swan. The children realize that the four golden eggs are the eggs in the nest. They then watch as the eggs hatch. They all start to talk and realize that this is their treasure! It was an awesome day for everyone!

I will use this book with my students to show them the fun and rewards in adventures. This book is also a good book to stress to students that treasures can be something to do with nature, and it does not always have to relate to toys or money.

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