Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Book Write Up #3: Chapter Book #6

Author: Bodil Bredsdorff
Title: The Crow-Girl
Genre: Fiction
Subgenre: Young Adult
Theme: Bravery and courage is within our soul.
Primary and Secondary Characters: Crow Girl, her grandmother, Rossan, and Eidi.
Awards and Date of Publication: Winner of the Mildren L Batchelder award, published in 2004.
This book is about a girl named Crow Girl, she gives this name to herself. She loves looking at crows, and she feels that they will guide her through her life. She lives with her grandmother, who is real old and is dying. They live in a cottage by the sea. They live all by themselves, and they live off the land eating claims, and fishes. Crow Girl collects all the food, does all the cleaning, and cooking. She is very strong and has a peaceful soul. Crow Girl's grandmother eventually dies, and Crow Girl has no other family or friends. She has to fin for herself at such a young age. When her grandmother dies, she is alone and leaves the cottage. She comes across this little boy who is two years old, his name is Doup. She takes Doup in and cares for him and herself. She eventually makes a friend named Eidi. Eidi's father beats her mother. One time he beat her mother real bad, and they decided to stay with Crow Girl. However, a man named Rossan takes them all in. He sells mostly everything he has, to feed them all. Eidi and her mother eventually leave Rossan's house. About a year later Eidi and her mother come back to see Crow Girl. By this time Crow Girl and Doup are still staying with Rossan, and they are doing real well. Crow girl went through a lot, but now things are looking up.

This book is a good book to read to children to show them that through bad times people grow, and to show that we all have control of our own destinies.

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