Author: Patricia Reilly Giff
Title: It's a Fiesta, Benjamin
Illustrator: DyAnne DiSalvo-Ryan
Genre: Chapter Book
Subgenre: Chapter Book for children
Theme: Having a fiesta that brings everyone together.
Primary and Secondary characters: Benjamin, Adam (his brother), Senora Sanchez, Mrs. Munoz
Date of Publication: 1998
Publishing Company: Gareth Stevens Publishing
This book is about Benjamin and his brother Adam. This book really expresses the Hispanic culture and language. Before every chapter there is a glossary with the Spanish words that the chapter uses and there meanings. Benjamin and the entire neighborhood are planning a fiesta to have to raise money for Mrs. Munoz, because she will be buying a pool (piscina) soon. The entire neighborhood helps to plan this party. Benjamin is upset, because his brother will not leave him alone. Benjamin finds out Senora Sanchez and her cousin do not talk anymore. This bothers Benjamin. While Benjamin cleans the neighborhood for the fiesta he realizes he lost Adam. He looks everywhere and cannot find him. Benjamin starts to feel sad, because he was mean to Adam earlier. Benjamin looks everywhere for Adam, and finally finds him at the Bakery. Adam is sad and explains to Benjamin that he ran away because Benjamin does not like him. Benjamin is real sad by this, so he makes a pack that he will try his best to always be nice to Adam. On the day of the Fiesta everyone has so much fun. Benjamin surprises Senora Sanchez and invites her cousin, they make up and everyone has a blast.
This book is a good book to read to my students and to explain that the way we act and the things we say, can really hurt someones feelings. We need to think before we speak and make sure nice things are coming out of our mouths.
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