Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Mommy's Little Girl

Author: Ronne Randall
Title: Mommy's Little Girl
Illustrator: Kristina Khrin
Genre: Children's picture book
Subgenre: fiction, love
Theme: Even though little girls grow up they will always be their mommy's little girls.
Primary and secondary characters: Amy and her mom
Date of publication: 2008
Publishing Company: Parragon Publishing Co.
Amy and her mommy are very close. Amy loves her mommy and they always do things together. Amy looks up to her mommy, and wants to be just like her. One day Amy's mother has Amy go to the closet to get some pillow cases, there she finds a big pink box. Amy opens the box and finds small doll clothes. She goes to ask her mother if they are doll clothes. Her mom assures Amy that she can use them as doll clothes, but they were not always doll clothes. She lets Amy know they belong to her little girl. Amy gets sad, because she is her mommy's only little girl. Her mom takes her in the living room and shows her a picture album. She points to the pictures and explains that's my little girl as a baby, that's her as a toddler, and points to one of Amy now. Amy smiles, because she realizes that the little girl is her, and the baby clothes are hers too.

This book is a really good book in explaining to students that even when they grow up, they will still be loved the same by thier parents.

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