Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Freedom Song

Author: Trina Robbins

Title: Freedom Songs

Illustrator: Jason Millet

Genre: Short chapter book

Subgenre: thriller, action

Theme: A slave escaping to freedom

Primary and secondary characters: Sarah, Mrs. Marlow, and Mrs. Bennett

Date of publication: 2008

Publishing Company: Stone Arch Books

Sarah is a fourteen year old slave, during the 1850's. Her masters are Mr. and Mrs. Marlow. One of Sarah's job is to swat fies away from the Marlow's baby, during the night. Early in the morning Mrs. Marlow comes in to the room to find Sarah Sleeping. She slaps Sarah and is very upset. She does not give her any food that day, and tell her she is going to beat when Mr. Marlow comes home. Sarah remembers that earlier that day a man by the name of Mr. Levi came over, and was talking about a Quaker lady a couple miles down the street who takes in run away slaves, and is against slavery. Sarah knows she has to do something, so she grabs some belongings and runs away to the ladies house. Once she gets to her house she falls asleep in her barn until morning. The next morning the lady wakes Sarah up. She feeds and clothes her, but tells Sarah she has to soon leave, because the slave hunters will come looking for her. The Quaker lady tells Sarah she has to take the Underground Railroad to Philadelphia. Sarah and other slaves follow Mrs. Bennett and take the Underground Railroad to Philadelphia. Once in Philadelphia Sarah feels safe and even finds a job. While at work at the hotel Sarah runs into her former masters. They demand that Sarah has to go back with them. She refuses and throws mop water at them, and runs back to the house she stays at. She now has to go by herself to Canada. Mrs. Ross drops her off at the train station in Philadelphia, a cop spots her as a run away slave. However, at this time she sees Mr. Levi, and he pretends that Sarah is his slave, and the cop lets them get on the train together. Mr. Levi remembers Sarah, and she is now on her way to freedom. Once Sarah gets to Canada she vows that she will be like Mrs. Bennett, and go back to get her mother and help her become free.

This book will be a good book to incorporate in teaching about slavery, the Underground Railroad, and life in the 1850's. This book will help students to relate to slavery from a child's perspective. Which will then help them relate to the book in their own perspective. This makes it easier to relate and have sympathy for everything that Sarah has to go through.

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